Update 2013

S T U D I O N E W S :  2 0 1 3 
                                                            Timely Transitions....
Dear Friends and Collectors,

It has been a year of sweeping changes and big, creative transitions-- the most significant was the completion of the Africa Portfolios 1986-2012. My final field trip to Ethiopia was last winter when I returned to finish the ā€œAnimusā€ series in the Omo Valley. With Africa now receding, I have begun work on the memoir; revisiting the journeys through piles of journals, letters and deep memories, piecing together a story that began when I was 26 years old in the faraway places of the great continent. This summer I will begin a very different body of work on the Americas- details of which I will reveal as I begin my first visual sketches.
The next significant evolution is a new edition of large format platinum prints, (up to 30ā€ x 40ā€) -- a luscious 18th century photographic process. They are breathtakingly beautiful and expose yet another layer of visual expression. The platinums are hand printed on rag paper and are softer than silver prints, yet retain the drama that characterizes my work. I continue to make silver prints, but silver gelatin paper will become harder to find over time. (right: ā€œNoblemanā€ platinum print).

Next, after 30 years of making photographs with my magic mirror and after 26 years of photographing in Africa with a few field trips to southeast Asia, the Western Pacific and Australia thrown in- I am finally published! Nazraeli Press printed a limited edition monograph titled ā€œGraceā€ on the Africa Portfolios: 1986-2012 this past May.  ā€œGraceā€ is an oversized volume of 46 plates with a splendid introduction by photography historian and scholar Deborah Willis. 

"Fate" in clay awaiting molding and casting.
As if that were not enough newness, transitions and changes to report, I am now working in bronze sculpture. Yes- bronze! The new collection, ā€œManifestations of Animaā€ is modeled from my Tuareg photographs of Aichata and Fatima. The bronze figures are the photographs brought into 3 dimensions to illustrate animist beliefs of how humans erupted from the breath of nature or anima. I have been working in clay my whole life, but for this project I am collaborating with a master sculptor to make sure every fold, gesture and angle is absolutely correct.ā€œManifestations of Animaā€ and will be part of a life-sized museum installation that explores the intimate relationship between animist people and the world of Nature. The bronze figures will be displayed in the center of the large format Anima and Animus archival pigment prints.

The biggest news of all is this: After decades of exhibiting primarily in California, the Africa Portfolios in platinum are opening in New York City this May at Throckmorton Fine Art. This is truly a defining moment. As many of you know, my career has been stitched together and supported through a network of collectors and personal friends whose undying belief and support has carried me through and provided the many bridges from here to there.  

We have to continue on..... and give it another big push....! 

To learn how you can support my work through becoming a member of the Collector's Circle, please visit http://thecollectorscircle.blogspot.com There are several programs that, through becoming a sponsor of a particular portfolio, the bronzes or exhibition costs, you can be offered special rates. For more information, please contact me at IturiSun@gmail.com 

Many thanks, 
                                           Elisabeth Sunday


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