Saving Nemory

Fundraiser for Medical Expenses for my 
assistant in Mali, Nemory Keita

Embrace, 2009, Mali

This is a "Studio Special" unlike any other. Yes: it is designed to inspire a new generation of collectors to start buying photography and now, it is also designed to save Nemory

All the proceeds that are generated will be used to provide medical care for my assistant Nemory in Africa.

Select any 11ā€ x 14ā€ gelatin silver print for only $500. (Photographs in this format and are regularly priced through galleries at $1200). All the prints are signed, dated and numbered on the back. 

Please forward, share and help save Nemory.

If you'd like to contribute a smaller amount, please go to the campaign site:

Thank you so much for your participation.

Select your favorite print from one of the following series:

To place your order please email Elisabeth Sunday 

Thank you!


Dear Friends,

Thank you for taking a look at this. Normally, I would not reach out, but this is quite urgent and I am turning to my photography community for help.

I am writing to you on behalf of Nemory Keita. I just got off Skype with him in Bamako. 

Nemory is one of the most funny, jovial and outgoing individuals you'll ever encounter. He's the one with the deep infectious laugh that gets the whole group going until everyone is in tears clutching their sides. This has certainly been my experience. 

Nemory became my photography assistant starting in 2000 and worked with me on my location shoots in Mali and Ghana until 2011. He recently helped my daughter on her senior project, "Women in Islam." He has remained a close and loyal friend.

Nemory is a single father raising four children: Ages 8 - 16 years. He has tirelessly supported them first working as a tour guide and assistant to various creatives, then with the drop in tourism, he began a small business that provides a modest income for his family.

Recently Nemory has become very, very ill and I am trying to save his life by getting him medical care in Dakar, Senegal. The Malian health care system is beyond broken. There is no reasonable care for him there. We must get him to Dakar where there is state of the art health care and treatment. 
He is in pain and lost too much weight. Time is of the essence.

The immediate goal is two roundtrip tickets to Dakar, (one for him and his son to help out) hospital admission and funds for treatment and medication. Also needed are funds for lodging.

We are trying to raise an immediate $5,000 and I've launched a gofundme campaign to facilitate that effort.

Any amount you would like to contribute would be most appreciated. 

Thank you so much for anything you can put together for Nemory.

All the Best,



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